Parents Get Informed…

After a round of sickness this past week, I’ve realized I don’t have everyone’s email or cell numbers for sending out notifications. I am working on a email list along with updating all my cell phone numbers for parents. I know not everyone text these days but if you do…I would love to add you to our parent text. I will use the text and emails to communicate any upcoming activities, time changes, youth group cancellations, updates on how retreats and trips are going, etc. There will be cards coming home with the youth this Wednesday. If you could fill it out as quickly as possible and return it to the me at the youth office by April 13. This should help us communicate better and keep you all in the know on everything going on.

I also want to thank you for all the support you have shown our ministry. If you have any questions please feel fee to give me a call or drop me an email. You are welcome to email the information to me at

Just a reminder: We have our PJ Party this Saturday from 6pm-10pm. Everyone has been asked to bring at least one pair of kids/adult(for teens) PJ’s. I’ve been told that walmart has them on sale for $3.00 a pair. These PJ’s will go to support local foster care homes and their children who don’t always have PJ’s to sleep in.

April 30th Mission Day

Register by April 13, 2011

$30 per person (Registration fee will pay for all supplies needed for the day, breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks and dinner.)

We will be leaving the church at 6am

Nashville experienced a major flood on May 4th, 2010. The city has made amazing strides to get Nashville back on it’s feet, however, volunteer efforts are not as strong as they were this last summer. 1 By Youth Nashville is a chance to bring beautification to an area of  West Nashville that is desperate for it. We are looking to provide a full day of service to make a HUGE impact to the community of West Nashville.
Not only are we going to bring beautification, we are also asking participant to bless this community with your SHOES! 1 By Youth is partnering with Soles 4 Souls to bring shoes to the neighborhood that YOU are impacting. As a Nashville 1 By Youth participant, we encourage you to bring shoes with you to donate. We will provide the total number of shoes donated at the block party, so bring as many pairs as possible! We can donate in a very deep way through this opportunity with Soles for Souls!
Every change that you and your teens make to this Nashville neighborhood with 1 By Youth will inevitably lead to more change and eventually a better place for people to live.
Nashville is just one of the cities in the movement that is 1 By Youth. Imagine neighborhood after neighborhood and block after block, these changes will multiply and change not only local neighborhoods…but entire cities!

Everyone needs to bring with them:
Water jug/bottle

Work gloves

Rain gear (just in case it rains)


Long pants

Close-toed shoes


Thanks Again!

Jesse Fleck